Thursday, November 5, 2015 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Friday, November 6, 2015 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Saturday, November 7, 2015 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Hosted by Horizons for the Blind, Crystal Lake, Illinois
1. Call to Order: Jennifer Dunnam
Jennifer Dunnam called the meeting to order at 9:05 a.m. CST.
2. Welcome from Horizons for the Blind
Maryann Bartkowski welcomed everyone to Horizons for the Blind. She then introduced Camille Caffarelli, Executive Director. Welcome bags were distributed, and a tour of Horizons for the Blind was planned. Camille Caffarelli gave an overview of the company's history.
3. Seating of BANA members
Jennifer Dunnam recognized Tracy Gaines, the new representative for the California Transcribers and Educators for the Blind and Visually Impaired (CTEBVI), and Saul Garza, the new representative for the Clovernook Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired. Each of them introduced themselves briefly.
4. Self-Introductions: Representatives and Observers
BANA Board members in attendance:
Jennifer Dunnam, National Federation of the Blind (NFB), Chair
Mary Nelle McLennan, American Printing House for the Blind (APH), Vice Chair
Ruth Rozen, Hadley School for the Blind, Secretary
Jackie Sheridan, National Braille Press (NBP), Treasurer
Frances Mary (FM) D'Andrea, American Foundation for the Blind (AFB), Immediate Past Chair
Dawn Gross, Alternate Text Production Center (ATPC)
Sandra (Sandy) Ruconich, American Council of the Blind (ACB)
Diane Wormsley, Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired (AER)
Tracy Gaines, California Transcribers and Educators for the Blind and Visually Impaired (CTEBVI)
Saul Garza, Clovernook Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired
Darleen Bogart, CNIB (Canadian National Institute for the Blind)
Stuart Wittenstein, Council of Schools and Services for the Blind (COSB)
Maryann Bartkowski, Horizons for the Blind
Diane Spence, National Braille Association (NBA)
Judith (Judy) Dixon, National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, Library of Congress (NLS)
Kim Charlson, Perkins
Jen Goulden, for associate member Crawford Technologies
Susan (Sue) Reilly participated in her role as administrative assistant.
Not attending:
Barbara Finkelstein, Associated Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired (ASBVI)
Nancy Niebrugge, Braille Institute of America (BIA)
Tamara Rorie, NLS
Cathy Senft-Graves, APH
Dr. Cary Supalo, chair of the Ad Hoc Committee on Chemistry
Dr. David Wohlers, member of the Ad Hoc Committee on Chemistry
5. Meeting Arrangements: Maryann Bartkowski
Maryann Bartkowski, representing Horizons for the Blind, explained meeting arrangements.
6. Board's Liability Statement: Ruth Rozen
Ruth Rozen, BANA Secretary, read the following Indemnification Statement: "BANA indemnifies its Officers and Board of Directors and holds them harmless from all claims of every kind, including court expenses, attorneys' fees, and the claimed amount arising from the performance of their duties as Officers and Directors except for their own acts of dishonesty and gross negligence." (Adopted March 30, 1987)
7. Agenda Approval: Jennifer Dunnam
MSC Maryann Bartkowski moved and Stuart Wittenstein seconded the motion that the agenda be approved. The motion passed unanimously.
8. Chair's Comments: Jennifer Dunnam
Jennifer Dunnam mentioned that in the midst of a major transition to UEB, she personally feels that it is an amazing year to be working in the field, not only as chair of BANA but also as coordinator of NLS training.
Jennifer also mentioned that BANA currently has numerous documents in process, so this meeting will be quite full.
9. Report of UEB Task Force: FM D'Andrea
FM D'Andrea, chair of the UEB Task Force, summarized the report, which is on file.
The comment box on the BANA Website ( could be redirected so that requests for information go to the General Committee on UEB. (See Section 21, General Committee on Unified English Braille in these minutes.)
The UEB Transition Forum, which had its third annual meeting in October, 2015, was well received by the wider community, and it proved to be a good way to share information among BANA member organizations.
A discussion took place about whether the UEB Transition Forum should continue to meet face-to-face annually or whether other ways to communicate about the transition to and implementation of UEB may be more desirable.
It was decided by general consensus that the UEB Task Force will take steps to transfer its activities to other committees. The discussion was tabled until the report of the Outreach Committee.
10. Braille Formats Technical Committee: Cindi Laurent
Jennifer Dunnam summarized the report, which is on file.
MSC FM D'Andrea moved and Darleen Bogart seconded the motion to change the disposition of Charge 268 to "done." The motion passed unanimously.
[Charge 268 (11/8/14): Review appendices A1-A4 of EBAE to determine if they should be included in the updated version of Braille Formats.]
Jennifer will send the board a list of where those items have been addressed in the revision of Braille Formats (2015).
MSC Diane Wormsley moved and FM D'Andrea seconded the motion to change the disposition of Charge 258 to "done." The motion passed unanimously.
[Charge 258 (4/4/14): Create a special symbols list to be used in textbooks.]
Work on Charge 237 is ongoing. The "telescoped" board and technical review is done. A review panel was set up to report on those comments. The members of the review panel are Jennifer Dunnam, Saul Garza, Darleen Bogart, FM D'Andrea, and Barbara Finkelstein.
[Charge 237 (4/12/15): Consider and document changes that will need to be made in order for the Formats guidelines to be brought into alignment with UEB.]
Recommended appointments to the committee were tabled so that the committee chair could be consulted. Later in the meeting, the following two motions were made:
MSC Mary Nelle McLennan moved and Dawn Gross seconded the motion to appoint Marilyn Breedlove to the Braille Formats Technical Committee for a term to end in 2017. The motion passed unanimously.
MSC Jackie Sheridan moved and Diane Spence seconded the motion that Randy Davis be appointed to the Braille Formats Technical Committee for a term to end in 2016. The motion passed unanimously.
MSC Stuart Wittenstein moved and Dawn Gross seconded the motion that Dorothy Worthington be reappointed to the Formats Committee for a term to end in 2017. The motion passed unanimously.
The committee chair will be consulted about the budget request for 2016.
MSC Maryann Bartkowski moved and Mary Nelle McLennan seconded the motion to appoint Saul Garza as the liaison to Braille Formats Technical Committee. The motion passed unanimously.
11. Tactile Graphics Technical Committee: Aquinas Pather
Diane Spence, board liaison to the Tactile Graphics Technical Committee, summarized the report, which is on file.
MSC Sandy Ruconich moved and Dawn Gross seconded the motion to change the disposition of Charge 275 to "discarded" in order to replace it. The motion passed unanimously.
[Charge 275 (5/7/15): Update the current braille symbols list in tactile graphics for complex number lines and to consider these updates in the UEB revision of the Tactile Graphics Guidelines.]
MSC Diane Spence moved and Diane Wormsley seconded the motion to create a new charge to the Tactile Graphics Technical Committee to update the current braille symbols list in tactile graphics for number lines and to consider these updates in the UEB revision of the Tactile Graphics Guidelines. The motion passed unanimously.
The board examined examples of number lines transcribed in Nemeth Code and in UEB.
By general consensus, the board advised the Tactile Graphics Committee to include both the Nemeth Code and UEB transcriptions of the number lines, so that transcribers from any country will know how to do either transcription.
Some discussion ensued about Charge 265 (11/8/14), "Begin the work of revising the Tactile Graphics Guidelines so that 1) the guidance and examples for nontechnical material are aligned with Unified English Braille; and 2) the guidance and examples for mathematical and technical material are provided both in Nemeth Code and in UEB versions."
Work continues with the supplement, following the Board's decision to present each example in two codes. To prevent the print version of the document from becoming too large, examples of tactile graphics will alternate in presentation between SimBraille and embossed hard copy braille. In the SimBraille, color (or some other means of print differentiation) will be used to identify symbols in UEB and in Nemeth Code.
The braille copy will be in two volumes to accommodate all the examples.
The Board also examined the committee's updated working chart, which is on file. It illustrates tasks needed to be done to align the Tactile Graphics Guidelines and Standards with UEB.
Regarding Charge 262 (11/7/14), "Work with the Nemeth-UEB task force regarding any necessary specific rules for Nemeth Code and UEB within tactile graphics, "the chairs of the relevant committees have communicated with one another, and the report is on file. This topic was tabled, to be continued as part of the presentation of the Nemeth UEB Task force.
MSC Diane Spence moved and Mary Nelle McLennan seconded the motion to budget $8,000.00 for a face-to-face meeting of the Tactile Graphics Technical Committee. The motion passed unanimously.
MSC Diane Spence moved and FM D'Andrea seconded the motion that Janet Milbury and Allison O'Day be reappointed to the Tactile Graphics Technical Committee for a term to end in 2017. The motion passed unanimously.
MSC Diane Spence moved and Maryann Bartkowski seconded the motion to appoint Betty Marshall to the Tactile Graphics Technical Committee for a term to end in 2016. The motion passed unanimously.
12. Mathematics Braille Technical Committee: Dorothy Worthington
Dawn Gross, board liaison to the Mathematics Braille Technical Committee, summarized the report, which is on file.
MSC Dawn Gross moved and Jackie Sheridan seconded the motion that the disposition of Charge 89 be changed to "waiting," as the committee is awaiting the board's approval of the Graphing Calculator Guidelines. The motion passed unanimously.
[Charge 89 (11/14/03): Complete the Graphing Calculator Guidelines, which could include when and how to include such material in a transcription.]
MSC Dawn Gross moved and FM D'Andrea seconded the motion to change the disposition of Charge 276 to "done," as the results of that charge are included in the report. The motion passed unanimously.
[Charge 276 (5/7/15): Regarding Charge 89, "Complete the Graphing Calculator Guidelines, which could include when and how to include such material in a transcription" [11/14/03], it was requested that the committee create a table of changes with rationales for those changes and submit the table to Jennifer Dunnam.]
MSC Dawn Gross moved and Saul Garza seconded the motion that the disposition of Charge 263 be changed to "done." The motion passed unanimously.
[Charge 263 (11/7/14): Work with the Nemeth-UEB Task Force to move toward finalization of the provisional guidelines for Nemeth Code within UEB contexts.]
MSC Dawn Gross moved and Darleen Bogart seconded the motion that the Mathematics Braille Committee be tasked with finalizing the "Provisional Guidance for Transcription Using Nemeth Code within UEB Contexts" in consultation with those who participated on the Task Force on Recommendations for Nemeth Code with UEB. The motion passed unanimously.
MSC Dawn Gross moved and Jackie Sheridan seconded the motion to reappoint Mary Denault and Susan Osterhaus for a two-year term expiring in 2017, and to reappoint Jacquie Walker for a one-year term to end in 2016, to the Mathematics Braille Technical Committee. The motion passed unanimously.
13. Task Force on Recommendations for Nemeth Code with UEB: Jennifer Dunnam
Jennifer Dunnam, chair of the Task Force reported on its activities.
The question about the use of contractions within the switch indicators affects decisions in chemistry, tactile graphics, and mathematics. It is recommended that the relevant committees collaborate on a decision. Aquinas Pather, chair of the Tactile Graphics Technical Committee, will take responsibility for making sure the conversation takes place.
MSC FM D'Andrea moved and Saul Garza seconded the motion that the Task Force on Recommendations for Nemeth Code with UEB be disbanded. The participants are asked to remain available for consultation to the Mathematics Braille Technical Committee regarding updates to the 2014 "Provisional Guidance for Transcription Using the Nemeth Code within UEB Contexts." The motion passed unanimously.
FM D'Andrea moved and Jackie Sheridan seconded the motion to change the disposition of Charge 245 to "done." The motion passed unanimously.
[Charge 245 (4/11/13): Make specific recommendations regarding transcriptions of materials in Nemeth Code incorporating UEB.]
14. Ad Hoc Committee on Standardized Tests: Diane Spence
Diane Spence, chair, summarized the report, which is on file.
MSC Diane Spence moved and Diane Wormsley seconded the motion that the disposition of Charge 264 be changed to "ongoing." The motion passed unanimously.
[Charge 264 (11/7/14): Work with publications and the research committee to complete the technical and board review process for the testing guidelines document.]
MSC Diane Spence moved and Diane Wormsley seconded the motion to change the disposition of Charge 256 to "done." The motion passed unanimously.
[Charge 256 (4/4/14) Prepare section 1 of the Guidelines for the Production of Standardized Tests in Braille for technical review after the suggested additions have been incorporated.]
MSC Judy Dixon moved and Darleen Bogart seconded the motion to allow the use of the "Guidelines for the Production of Standardized Tests in Braille" at a presentation during a meeting of the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO), June, 2016, and that if these guidelines are in draft status, that status will be clearly indicated. The motion passed unanimously.
Mary Nelle McLennan, chair of the Publications Committee, reported on the publication step of the guidelines.
29. Awards Committee: Sandy Ruconich
Sandy Ruconich, chair of the committee, presented the report, which is on file.
Sandy described the plaque that will be presented to the award recipient, Darleen Bogart. A press release will announce the presentation prior to the event.
15. Music Braille Technical Committee: Dan Geminder
Ruth Rozen, liaison to the Music Braille Technical Committee, summarized the report, which is on file.
MSC Ruth Rozen moved and Sandy Ruconich seconded the motion to approve the Music Braille Code 2015. The motion passed unanimously.
MSC Ruth Rozen moved and FM D'Andrea seconded the motion to change the disposition of Charge 179 to "done." The motion passed unanimously.
[Charge 179 (11/9/08): To create a new edition of the braille music code, to involve all stakeholders in its development, and to remain cognizant that the code is international]
MSC FM D'Andrea moved and Darleen Bogart seconded the motion that the disposition of Charge 42 be changed to "done" in order to replace it. The motion passed unanimously.
[Charge 42 (10/1/00): Respond to questions about code changes.]
MSC FM D'Andrea moved and Sandy Ruconich seconded the motion to charge the Music Braille Technical Committee with responding to inquiries regarding the Music Braille Code. The motion passed unanimously.
Committee appointment issues were tabled until Dan Geminder could be consulted.
16. Crafts and Hobbies Technical Committee: Camille Caffarelli
Camille Caffarelli, chair of the committee, presented the report.
Camille began with a discussion of Charge 198 (4/10/10): "Review existing chess codes and work with UKAAF [UK Association for Accessible Formats] to develop a code suitable for adoption by BANA," which is ongoing. An argument for revising the chess code is that some players feel that an algebraic code does not work well for chess and that chess should be transcribed in UEB, because chess is played on computer, not with embossed hard copy braille. The board examined a file and accompanying article, which were translated in UEB. These items are now being sent to the Crafts and Hobbies Technical Committee for their approval.
Some discussion ensued about another possible project or projects for this committee.
Camille will contact the members of the committee and ascertain their level of participation before making recommendations for committee appointments. This will take place by the end of 2015.
17. Foreign Language Task Force: FM D'Andrea
FM D'Andrea, chair of the task force, summarized the report, which is on file.
The budget will be added to report.
MSC FM D'Andrea moved and Tracy Gaines seconded the motion that a Foreign Language Task Force be constituted with Jennifer Dunnam as chair, and including Sandy Ruconich, Julie Sumwalt, Carol Greer, and Jen Goulden. The motion passed unanimously.
The "Provisional Guidance for Transcribing Foreign Language Material in UEB" will continue to be available for people to use and suggest changes before it is updated and reposted.
MSC FM D'Andrea moved and Darleen Bogart seconded the motion to charge the Foreign Language Task Force with updating the "Provisional Guidance for Transcribing Foreign Language in UEB." The motion passed unanimously.
Some discussion ensued about the use of contracted braille in a foreign language transcription, a topic which emanated from the Fall 2015 NBA workshop, and it was mentioned that that kind of information will be discussed and clarified by the new task force.
18. Ad Hoc Committee on Early Literacy Materials Production: Bonnie Read
Diane Wormsley, board liaison to the committee, summarized the report, which is on file.
The document developed in response to Charge 136 (11/3/05), "Develop guidelines for transcription of consumable materials and other forms that require direct entry on the braille page" is on hold until the Braille Formats revision is completed.
20. Ad Hoc Committee on English Braille American Edition: Jennifer Dunnam
Jennifer Dunnam, chair of the committee, presented the report, which is on file.
The recommendations from this committee have been given to the Braille Formats Technical Committee.
MSC Darleen Bogart moved and FM D'Andrea seconded the motion that the Ad Hoc Committee on English Braille American Edition be disbanded at the end of 2015. Members will be thanked for their service. The motion passed unanimously.21. General Committee on Unified English Braille: FM D'Andrea
FM D'Andrea, chair of the committee, summarized the report which is on file.
Some discussion took place regarding the best way to communicate information to BANA constituents about updates and new rulings for UEB as they occur. It was decided not to use press releases for this type of information; rather, the chair of the General Committee on UEB will have access to post messages via the BANA-announce listserv.
MSC FM D'Andrea moved and Jackie Sheridan seconded the motion that the disposition of Charge 274 be changed to "ongoing." The motion passed unanimously.
[Charge 274 (5/7/15): Serve as a liaison and communication vehicle between the ICEB Code Maintenance Committee and the BANA Board.]
Questions sent via the comment box on the BANA Website will now be handled by the General Committee on Unified English Braille. (See Section 9. Report of the UEB Task Force in these minutes.)
MSC FM D'Andrea moved and Mary Nelle McLennan seconded the motion to change the disposition of Charge 272 to "ongoing."
[Charge 272 (5/7/15): Respond to UEB code questions from constituents, and design and refine methods for this task.]
MSC FM D'Andrea moved and Darleen Bogart seconded the motion that Cindi Laurent be appointed to the General Committee on Unified English Braille. The motion passed unanimously.
MSC Diane Wormsley moved and Sandy Ruconich seconded the motion that the following individuals be reappointed to the General Committee on Unified English Braille: FM D'Andrea, chair; Darleen Bogart; Judy Dixon; Jennifer Dunnam; Jen Goulden. The motion passed unanimously.
Discussion then ensued about content on the Website. See motion regarding creating content about UEB for the Website under Section 26, Outreach Committee. The BANA chair in cooperation with the Publications Committee will decide about archiving and deleting items from the BANA Website.
23. Nominations Committee: FM D'Andrea
FM D'Andrea, chair of the committee presented the report, which is on file.
MSC Kim Charlson moved and Darleen Bogart seconded the motion that nominations cease and a unanimous ballot be cast for Jennifer Dunnam as chair of the Braille Authority of North America. The motion passed unanimously.
MSC Kim Charlson moved and Mary Nelle McLennan seconded the motion that nominations cease and a unanimous ballot be cast for Sandy Ruconich as vice chair of the Braille Authority of North America. The motion passed unanimously.
MSC Kim Charlson moved and Sandy Ruconich seconded the motion that nominations cease and a unanimous ballot be cast for Jackie Sheridan as treasurer of the Braille Authority of North America. The motion passed unanimously.
MSC Kim Charlson moved and Tracy Gaines seconded the motion that nominations cease and a unanimous ballot be cast for Ruth Rozen as secretary of the Braille Authority of North America. The motion passed unanimously.
19. Ad Hoc Committee on Chemistry: Cary Supalo
Stuart Wittenstein, Board Liaison to the committee, introduced Dr. Cary Supalo, chair of the committee, and Professor David Wohllers, committee member. Drs. Supalo and Wohllers presented the report, which is on file.
The committee is asking permission to write a "Provisional Guidance for Transcription Using the Chemistry Code within UEB Contexts." It will use IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) naming conventions. The committee also wants to clarify that the practice of bridging prefixes and suffixes with base terms should avoided in cases where using contractions would obscure the understanding of chemical terms and molecular formulas. There was some discussion about this practice both in general literary materials and in chemistry materials in particular.
MSC Stuart Wittenstein moved and Dawn Gross seconded the motion that the Ad Hoc Committee on Chemistry be charged with preparing a provisional document for using the Chemistry Code within UEB. The motion passed unanimously.
A lengthy discussion ensued about the need for and history of the BANA Chemistry Code, including questions about decisions made by other countries regarding the use or nonuse of contractions in chemistry transcriptions. According to the representative from CNIB, Canada, where UEB is now used exclusively, has not experienced problems getting chemistry materials transcribed into UEB following UEB rules that exist already.
Clarification: This provisional guidance for transcribing chemistry code within a UEB context is to be a companion piece to the "Provisional Guidance for Transcription Using the Nemeth Code within UEB Contexts."
MSC FM D'Andrea moved and Darleen Bogart seconded the motion to change the disposition of Charge 267 to "done." The motion passed unanimously.
[Charge 267 (11/8/14): Work with the Nemeth-UEB task force.]
Maryann Bartkowski moved and Saul Garza seconded the motion that the Ad Hoc Committee on Chemistry be charged to work with the Mathematics Braille Technical Committee on the "Provisional Guidance for Transcription Using the Nemeth Code within UEB Contexts". The motion passed unanimously.
The committee asked for clarification regarding Charge 266 (11/8/14), "Update and revise the braille code for chemical notation." The committee asked: Given the nonuniformity of mathematics braille systems, and the fact that state plans are using different systems, should the committee revise the code based on Nemeth Code or UEB or both? The response from the BANA chair was that the question of what the committee should do is different from the larger question regarding math in braille in the United States, and that the charge from 11/8/14 is to update the Chemistry Code based on the Nemeth Code.
24. Publications Committee: Mary Nelle McLennan
Mary Nelle McLennan, chair of the committee, presented the report, which is on file. She referred members to the chart "BANA Documents in Progress" to review the status of the Website and of numerous publications under development. Publications Committee considerations were included in the separate discussions of committees developing manuscripts to be published.
25. Braille Research Committee: Diane Wormsley
Diane Wormsley, co-chair of the committee, presented the report, which is on file.
A question arose about appointing a board member as co-chair, as Diane Wormsley is retiring. This topic was tabled until later in the meeting, when Jennifer Dunnam proposed waiting until January 2016 to appoint a co-chair to the Braille Research Committee.
Reviews carried out by the Braille Research Committee are discussed in the relevant reports. The review of the "Guidelines for the Production of Standardized Tests in Braille" is targeted for technical review in December 2015.
Diane Wormsley provided a brief summary of the board and technical review processes. These are found on the Workflow document, which is on BANAFILES. The purpose of the Workflow document is to achieve more accurate and easy-to-use BANA documents that don't conflict with other documents.
26. Outreach Committee: Nancy Niebrugge
The report is on file.
MSC FM D'Andrea moved and Mary Nelle McLennan seconded the motion that the disposition of Charge 232 be changed to "done." The motion passed unanimously.
[Charge 232 (11/4/12): Be responsible for maintaining up-to-date information about UEB on BANA's Web site.]MSC FM D'Andrea moved and Mary Nelle McLennan seconded the motion to charge the Outreach Committee and the General Committee on UEB to collaborate to create content about UEB for the BANA Website. The motion passed unanimously.
MSC Sandy Ruconich moved and Jackie Sheridan seconded the motion that the Outreach Committee partner with the Publications Committee to update the "About BANA" section of the BANA Website. The motion passed unanimously.
The location of and responsibility for the trunk is to be discussed in the spring.
MSC Ruth Rozen moved and FM D'Andrea seconded the motion that Sandy Ruconich be appointed chair of the Outreach Committee. The motion passed unanimously.
MSC FM D'Andrea moved and Mary Nelle McLennan seconded the motion that Tracy Gaines be appointed to the Outreach Committee. The motion passed unanimously.
MSC Darleen Bogart moved and FM D'Andrea seconded the motion to adopt the "Implementation of BANA's Social Media Presence," June 2015 draft, which is on file. The motion passed unanimously.
MSC Sandy Ruconich moved and Jackie Sheridan seconded the motion that the disposition of Charge 277 be changed to "done." The motion passed unanimously.
[Charge 277 (5/7/15): Review relevant existing documents regarding social media and formulate a plan of action to increase BANA's social media presence, to be submitted to the board for consideration and possible approval by Fall 2015.]
Discussion ensued regarding continuing UEB Transition Forum, and if so, in what way. Comments and suggestions included the following:
- Time and resources might be better spent otherwise.
- The forum about transition has been beneficial and well-received in the past; in the future, it could be used to share experiences and ideas about implementation in 2016.
- Would the forum fall under the responsibilities of the Outreach Committee, or would it be a collaborative effort with the Task Force on UEB?
- What would be the purpose and duration of another face-to-face forum meeting?
MSC Maryann Bartkowski moved and Tracy Gaines seconded the motion that a steering committee be formed to explore whether an event be planned about the implementation of UEB and to help execute whatever is decided upon. Voting yes: (ACB) Sandra Ruconich; (AER) Diane Wormsley; (AFB) Frances Mary (FM) D'Andrea; (APH) Mary Nelle McLennan; (ATPC) Dawn Gross; (Clovernook) Saul Garza; (CNIB) Darleen Bogart; (COSB) Stuart Wittenstein; (CTEBVI) Tracy Gaines; (Hadley) Ruth Rozen; (Horizons for the Blind) Maryann Bartkowski; (NBA) Diane Spence; (NBP) Jackie Sheridan; (NFB) Jennifer Dunnam;(Perkins) Kim Charlson. Voting no: (NLS) Judith (Judy) Dixon. Not voting: (ASB) Barbara Finkelstein; (BIA) Nancy Niebrugge. The motion carried.
Sandy Ruconich, Maryann Bartkowski, Jackie Sheridan, Sue Reilly, and Tracy Gaines have volunteered to be on the steering committee. A recommendation is due to the board by the end of December. Mary Nelle McLennan offered to assist with hotel and logistics if a forum is scheduled to coincide with the APH annual meeting.
MSC Judy Dixon moved and Jackie Sheridan seconded the motion that the Outreach Committee be charged with exploring the best way for BANA to communicate with its various constituents, with particular regard to the efficacy of the open forum. The motion passed unanimously.
27. BANA Appointments Committee: Barbara Finkelstein
In the chair's absence, Jennifer Dunnam summarized the report, which is on file.
MSC Maryann Bartkowski moved and Mary Nelle McLennan seconded the motion to appoint Tracy Gaines to the Appointments Committee. The motion passed unanimously.
Mary Nelle McLennan reviewed the reason for Charge 269. Those rationales appear as a bulleted list in the report on file.
MSC Jackie Sheridan moved and Saul Garza seconded the motion to change the disposition of Charge 269 to "ongoing." The motion passed unanimously.
[Charge 269 (11/8/14): Manage the appointment of committee members.]
Later in the meeting, the following motion was made:
MSC FM D'Andrea moved and Sandy Ruconich seconded the motion that Dawn Gross be appointed to the Appointments Committee. The motion passed unanimously.
28. Friends of BANA Task Force: Nancy Niebrugge
In the chair's absence, Jackie Sheridan, committee member, presented the report, which is on file.
MSC Maryann Bartkowski moved and Diane Wormsley seconded the motion to charge the Friends of BANA Task Force to prepare the 2014 annual report for Board review and for posting to the BANA Website. The motion passed unanimously.
Discussion and explanations ensued about the legal requirements and tax implications of nationwide fundraising. The cost of such activity was deemed to be higher than the probable income.
MSC Darleen Bogart moved and Diane Wormsley seconded the motion to change the disposition of Charge 270 to "discarded." The motion passed unanimously.
[Charge 270 (11/8/14): Finalize the 2014 annual report and work with the publications committee to develop an online presence for the financials and the fund-raising campaign.]
MSC Diane Wormsley moved and Sandy Ruconich seconded the motion to change the disposition of Charge 278 to "discarded." The motion passed unanimously.
[Charge 278 (5/7/15): Continue to refine the "Dot Club" and "Friends of BANA" sponsorship programs, including how to administer them.]
30. Bylaws Committee: Darleen Bogart
Darleen Bogart, chair of the committee, presented the report.
MSC Darleen Bogart moved and FM D'Andrea seconded the motion that the Bylaws Committee be charged with updating the treasurer's duties and responsibilities regarding the annual report. The motion passed unanimously.
MSC Darleen Bogart moved and Jackie Sheridan seconded the motion that the Bylaws Committee be charge with refining the process for code changes and revisions with respect to the Research Committee and surveys. The motion passed unanimously.
32. Secretary's Report: Ruth Rozen
Ruth Rozen, BANA secretary, read the email motions and votes that had taken place since the Spring 2015 meeting. They are as follows:
May 15, 2015.
Diane Wormsley moved and Maryann Bartkowski seconded that BANA allow the National Braille Association's Foreign Language chair and committee to receive a DRAFT copy of the Foreign Language Provisional Guidelines provided the document is clearly marked as DRAFT. Voting deadline was Tuesday, May 19, at 5:00 p.m. EDT. Voting yes: Sandra Ruconich (ACB); Diane Wormsley (AER); Frances Mary (FM) D'Andrea (AFB); Mary Nelle McLennan (APH); Barbara Finkelstein (ASB); Dawn Gross (ATPC); Nancy Niebrugge (BIA); Darleen Bogart (CNIB); Stuart Wittenstein (COSB); Peggy Schuetz (CTEBVI); Ruth Rozen (Hadley); Diane Spence (NBA); Jackie Sheridan (NBP); Jennifer Dunnam (NFB); Judith (Judy) Dixon (NLS); Kim Charlson (Perkins) Not voting: Maryann Bartkowski (Horizons for the Blind); (CCBVI)
June 26, 2015:
Sandra Ruconich moved and Maryanne Bartkowski seconded that Darleen Bogart be given permission to present a formats workshop which could include UEB changes proposed in the formats revision. This workshop would be presented at the annual CNIB Braille+ conference on October 29-30, 2015. Voting deadline was July 1, 2015, 5:00 EDT. Voting yes: Sandra Ruconich (ACB); Diane Wormsley (AER); Barbara Finkelstein (ASB); Dawn Gross (ATPC); Nancy Niebrugge (BIA); Saul Garza (CCBVI); Stuart Wittenstein (COSB); Tracy Gaines (CTEBVI); Ruth Rozen (Hadley); Diane Spence (NBA); Jackie Sheridan (NBP); Jennifer Dunnam (NFB); Judith (Judy) Dixon (NLS); Kim Charlson (Perkins) Not voting: Frances Mary (FM) D'Andrea (AFB); Mary Nelle McLennan (APH); Darleen Bogart (CNIB); Maryann Bartkowski (Horizons for the Blind)
July 19, 2015:
Ruth Rozen moved and Darleen Bogart seconded that the revised minutes from Spring 2015 meeting be accepted. Voting deadline was July 26, 2015 at 5: PM EDT. Voting Yes: Sandra Ruconich (ACB); Diane Wormsley (AER); Frances Mary (FM) D'Andrea (AFB); Mary Nelle McLennan (APH); Barbara Finkelstein (ASB); Dawn Gross (ATPC); Nancy Niebrugge (BIA); Saul Garza (CCBVI); Darleen Bogart (CNIB); Stuart Wittenstein (COSB); Ruth Rozen (Hadley); Maryann Bartkowski (Horizons for the Blind); Diane Spence (NBA); Jackie Sheridan (NBP); Jennifer Dunnam (NFB); Judith (Judy) Dixon (NLS); Kim Charlson (Perkins) Not voting: Tracy Gaines (CTEBVI)
Sept. 15, 2015:
Ruth Rozen moved and Saul Garza seconded that the revised minutes from the August 2015 teleconference be accepted. Voting deadline was Sept. 20, 2015, 5:00 EDT. Voting YES: (ACB) Sandra Ruconich; (AER) Diane Wormsley; (AFB) Frances Mary (FM) D'Andrea; (APH) Mary Nelle McLennan; (ASB) Barbara Finkelstein; (ATPC) Dawn Gross; (BIA) Nancy Niebrugge; (CNIB) Darleen Bogart; (COSB) Stuart Wittenstein; (CTEBVI) Tracy Gaines; (Hadley) Ruth Rozen; (Horizons for the Blind) Maryann Bartkowski; (NBA) Diane Spence; (NBP) Jackie Sheridan; (NFB) Jennifer Dunnam; (NLS) Judith (Judy) Dixon; (Perkins) Kim Charlson Not voting: (Clovernook) Saul Garza
31. Ad Hoc Committee on Braille Signage and Labeling: Judy Dixon
Judy Dixon, chair of the committee, summarized the report, which is on file.
The new signage brochure has been updated for UEB and posted to the BANA Website,
MSC Judy Dixon moved and FM D'Andrea seconded the motion that the Ad Hoc Committee on Braille Signage and Labeling be charged with reviewing the ADA signage guidelines and NC117.1 standards to determine if the architectural code needs to be changed to comply with Unified English Braille. The motion passed unanimously.
MSC Judy Dixon moved and Saul Garza seconded the motion that with content approval from the BANA board, the Ad Hoc Committee on Braille Signage and Labeling be charged to contact the U.S. Departments of Justice and Transportation to provide guidance on changing their braille signage requirements to conform with Unified English Braille. The motion passed unanimously.
MSC Judy Dixon moved and Kim Charlson seconded the motion that the disposition of Charge 176 be changed to "discarded." The motion passed unanimously.
[Charge 176 (5/15/08): To explore strategies to assist sign-making companies to produce accurate braille.]
MSC Judy Dixon moved and Saul Garza seconded the motion that that the Ad Hoc Committee on Braille Signage and Labeling be charged to work with sign fabricators and standard-setting bodies within the signage industry to assist with the transition to the use of Unified English Braille. The motion passed unanimously.
MSC Judy Dixon moved and FM D'Andrea seconded the motion that that Eugene Lozano be appointed chair of the Ad Hoc Committee on Braille Signage and Labeling. The motion passed unanimously.
MSC Judy Dixon moved and Saul Garza seconded the motion that that Judy Dixon, Miriam Dixon, Debbie Gillespie, and Becky Barnes-Davidson be reappointed to the Ad Hoc Committee on Braille Signage and Labeling. The motion passed unanimously.
MSC Judy Dixon moved and Darleen Bogart seconded the motion that Saul Garza and Jackie Sheridan be appointed to the Ad Hoc Committee on Braille Signage and Labeling. The motion passed unanimously.
MSC Maryann Barkowski moved and Diane Wormsley seconded the motion to appoint Jackie Sheridan as board liaison to the Ad Hoc Committee on Braille Signage and Labeling. The motion passed unanimously.
22. Mathematics Braille in the United States
This discussion began on the afternoon of November 5, and continued intermittently throughout the meeting, concluding in the afternoon on November 7th. This summary and the motions taken on this topic are presented in one section of the minutes, as follows.
Jennifer Dunnam opened a discussion about what clarity is needed regarding the decision about math in braille in the US. Discussion began with a listing of the following facts about Nemeth Code and UEB:
Nemeth Code
- The motion that was voted on in 2012 clearly states that Nemeth Code is an official code.
- Nemeth Code has been taught to braille readers for over 60 years in the U.S.
- Many books have been transcribed using the Nemeth Code.
- Nemeth Code training for transcribers exists (NLS, NBA, AER).
- NLS has a Nemeth Code certification process.
- There are many Nemeth Code transcribers currently working.
- Math expressions transcribed in Nemeth Code tend to be shorter than the same expressions transcribed in UEB.
- Consumer organizations have expressed an interest in continuing the use of Nemeth Code in the US.
- UEB is being used for all grades in every other English speaking country.
- UEB is the code adopted in the United States (in 2012), and that code includes all symbols needed to transcribe both literary and technical materials.
- Countries that switched students from the code they were using for math to UEB had no difficulties (per reports from New Zealand and Australia).
- In UEB, the same symbols and rules are used in all contexts (there are no specific rules that apply only to technical materials).
- At this time, there are fewer UEB math resources of all types available.
- NLS plans to create a new course for transcribing technical materials in UEB.
An around-the-table exchange of views then took place. Each representative gave a brief summary of his or her organization's viewpoint on the use of Nemeth Code and UEB. Observers, including members of the Chemistry committee, also contributed their personal viewpoints. The purpose of this round-the-table exchange was to determine whether BANA can provide overarching guidance on math in braille in the U.S.
Although the representative from CNIB, Darleen Bogart, did not participate in the United States decision-making process, she provided a brief history of and rationale for Canada's decision to use UEB exclusively for math and technical materials.
After lengthy discussion, the following motions took place:
MSF Diane Spence moved and Saul Garza seconded the motion that BANA recommend that Nemeth Code within UEB Context be the standard for transcribing technical materials in the United States. Voting Yes: (ATPC) Dawn Gross; (Clovernook) Saul Garza; (COSB) Stuart Wittenstein; (CTEBVI) Tracy Gaines; (Hadley) Ruth Rozen; (NBA) Diane Spence; (NFB) Jennifer Dunnam. Voting No: (ACB) Sandra Ruconich; (AER) Diane Wormsley; (AFB) Frances Mary (FM) D'Andrea; (APH) Mary Nelle McLennan; (Horizons for the Blind) Maryann Bartkowski; (NLS) Judith (Judy) Dixon; (Perkins) Kim Charlson. Abstaining: (NBP) Jackie Sheridan. Not voting: (ASB) Barbara Finkelstein; (BIA) Nancy Niebrugge. (CNIB) Darleen Bogart. The motion fails.
MSF Diane Wormsley moved and Sandra Ruconich seconded the motion that BANA recommend that UEB be the standard code for transcribing technical materials in the United States. Voting Yes: None. Voting No: Opposed: (ACB) Sandra Ruconich; (AER) Diane Wormsley; (AFB) Frances Mary (FM) D'Andrea; (APH) Mary Nelle McLennan; (ATPC) Dawn Gross; (Clovernook) Saul Garza; (COSB) Stuart Wittenstein; (CTEBVI) Tracy Gaines; (Hadley) Ruth Rozen; (Horizons for the Blind) Maryann Bartkowski; (NBA) Diane Spence; (NFB) Jennifer Dunnam; NLS) Judith (Judy) Dixon; (Perkins) Kim Charlson. Abstained: (NBP) Jackie Sheridan. Not voting: (ASB) Barbara Finkelstein; (BIA) Nancy Niebrugge. (CNIB) Darleen Bogart. The motion fails.
Some of those who voted "No" on this motion clarified that their no votes did not signify a lack of support for the use of UEB for technical materials, but rather that they did not favor the adoption of one single standard.
MSC FM D'Andrea moved and Saul Garza seconded the motion that BANA approve the following statement: The Braille Authority of North America (BANA) recognizes and appreciates the genuine concerns from the braille community regarding the transition to Unified English Braille (UEB). BANA stands by our original motion to adopt UEB as a complete code as well as the implementation statement issued in 2014 in which we expressed that the Nemeth Code remains integral to braille in the US. The board of the Braille Authority of North America could not reach consensus regarding the establishment of a single standard code for technical materials for braille in the US. The decision to use UEB or the Nemeth Code within a UEB Context for technical materials should be made based on braille readers' individual needs. Voting yes: (ACB) Sandra Ruconich; (AER) Diane Wormsley; (AFB) Frances Mary (FM) D'Andrea; (APH) Mary Nelle McLennan; (ATPC) Dawn Gross; (Clovernook) Saul Garza; (COSB) Stuart Wittenstein; (Hadley) Ruth Rozen; (Horizons for the Blind) Maryann Bartkowski; (NBP) Jackie Sheridan; (NLS) Judith (Judy) Dixon; (Perkins) Kim Charlson. Voting No: (CTEBVI) Tracy Gaines; (NBA) Diane Spence; (NFB) Jennifer Dunnam. Abstaining: None. Not voting: (ASB) Barbara Finkelstein; (BIA) Nancy Niebrugge. The motion carried.
33. Treasurer's Report: Jackie Sheridan
Jackie Sheridan, BANA treasurer presented the report.
Jackie Sheridan led the board in a review of the financial statements, which are on file. The board then reviewed the 2015 budget line by line to create the 2016 budget.
MSC Jackie Sheridan moved and Stuart Wittenstein seconded the motion that the 2016 budget as presented be accepted. The motion passed unanimously.
39. International Report
39.1 ICEB: Judy Dixon
Judy Dixon, BANA representative to ICEB, presented the report about ICEB. The sixth ICEB General Assembly meeting will take place in Baltimore, MD, hosted by BANA and the National Federation of the Blind. Such meetings take place once every four years. ICEB has eight member countries. Each country can send four delegates. In addition, observers can attend. The US delegates to this meeting are Jennifer Dunnam, Frances Mary D'Andrea, Sandra Ruconich, and Judy Dixon.
A link to the ICEB Website about the meeting should be posted to BANA announce and linked from the BANA Website.
In addition to reimbursing expenses of the delegates, BANA will be providing funding for conference expenses not covered by ICEB or NFB. BANA is working to solicit contributions from individual member organizations.
Ruth Rozen was appointed to represent the United States on the ICEB Music Committee.
39.2 World Braille Council
Kim Charlson attended the meeting of the World Braille Council (WBC) on Sept. 4, 2015 in Sao Paulo Brazil. Countries represented included Argentina, Brazil, Denmark, India, Liberia, Norway, Spain, Uruguay, United States, and Venezuela.
Follow-up from the WBC October 2014 call included discussion of the braille research bibliography, which has been posted on the World Braille Union (WBU) Website, ONCE (Spanish national organization of the blind) has indicated they are interested in developing a Spanish braille research equivalent document. World Braille Usage 3rd Edition was discussed, including where it can be downloaded and what formats are available. PDF and .brf files are downloadable for free at
The WBC will be asking for WBU regions to nominate a member to serve on the IPA Maintenance Committee. The chair is most likely to be Robert Englebretson. Requests will be sent out to all of the regions for recommendations to serve. Once the chair is appointed, a work plan for the committee will be developed.
Efforts are still under consideration to create an international foundation for the support and maintenance of the Louis Braille Birthplace Museum in Coupvray, France. There is interest in having the museum declared a World Heritage Site.
It was also noted that Judy Dixon represents ICEB on the World Braille Council.
34. Certificates of Appreciation: Ruth Rozen, Kim Charlson
Kim Charlson reported on the certificates of appreciation that will be given.
35. Directory Update: Sue Reilly
No issues
36. BANA's Listservs: Kim Charlson
No issues
37. BANA's Archives: FM D'Andrea
FM D'Andrea reported that she sent a box of archival hard copy materials to American Printing House for the Blind where the rest of the BANA archives are housed.
Judy Dixon reported that she is continuing to collect minutes from past years.
38. Press Releases: Mary Nelle McLennan
No issues
40. Unfinished/continued business:
FM D'Andrea noted that there is ongoing research and development on the topic of braille Navajo. The Website "Braille Through Remote Learning," which is outdated, is still up, despite the fact that BANA has asked for it to be dismantled.
41. New Business
42. Upcoming Meetings
The BANA board teleconference is scheduled for Tuesday Feb. 9, 2016, 1-3 p.m. EST.
42.1 Spring 2016 COSB
Stuart Wittenstein, representative from COSB, explained the planning so far for the Spring 2016 BANA meetings, which will take place Thursday, May 19, Friday, May 20, and adjourn at noon on Saturday, May 21.
The question about an open forum will be decided upon by the end of 2015. (See the motion under "Outreach Committee," above.)
43. Future BANA meetings:
Spring 2016: COSB Baltimore, MD
Fall 2016: AFB November 3, 4, 5, 2016 in Pittsburg
Spring 2017: CTEBVI
Fall 2017: Hadley
Spring 2018: ATPC
Fall 2018: ACB
Spring 2019: CNIB
Fall 2019: Clovernook
Spring 2020: NFB
Fall 2020: NBA
Spring 2021: NLS
*Fall 2021: Braille Institute
Spring 2022: APH
Fall 2022: ASB
Spring 2023: AER
Fall 2023: Perkins
Spring 2024: NBP
Fall 2024: Horizons
* This will have to be revised because Braille Institute will become an associate BANA member organization after 2015.
45. Adjournment: Jennifer Dunnam
The meeting was adjourned at 2:45 CST.
Respectfully submitted,
Ruth Rozen, Secretary