Braille Authority of North America Fall 2018 Meeting Minutes

Thursday, November 1, 2018 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Friday, November 2, 2018 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Saturday, November 3, 2018 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Hosted by American Council of the Blind
Meeting in Salt Lake City, UT

1. Call to Order: Jennifer Dunnam

Jennifer Dunnam called the meeting to order at 9:04 a.m. MDT and thanked the American Council of the Blind for hosting the meeting.

2. Welcome from American Council of the Blind

Sandy Ruconich, representative for the American Council of the Blind, welcomed the BANA Board to the Utah Schools for the Deaf and the Blind on behalf of the Utah Council of the Blind and the American Council of the Blind. Kim Charlson, president, also extended a brief welcome.

3. Seating of BANA members

Cynthia (Cindy) Skandera was welcomed to her first in-person meeting as the newly appointed representative of Horizons for the Blind. Diane Bergeron was welcomed as the alternate representative for CNIB and Elaine Spinale was welcomed as the alternate representative for National Braille Press.

4. Self-Introductions: Representatives and Observers


Jennifer Dunnam, National Federation of the Blind (NFB), Chair
Sandra (Sandy) Ruconich, American Council of the Blind (ACB), Vice Chair
Dawn Gross, Alternate Text Production Center (ATPC), Secretary
Jessica (Jessi) Rivera, Associated Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired (ASB), Treasurer
Frances Mary (FM) D'Andrea, American Foundation for the Blind (AFB), Immediate Past Chair
Guy Toles, AMAC (Accessibility Solutions and Research Center)
Cathy Senft-Graves, American Printing House for the Blind (APH)
Mary Nelle McLennan, Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired (AER)
Whitney Gregory, Braille Solutions, Region 4 Educational Service Center
Tracy Gaines, California Transcribers and Educators for the Blind and Visually Impaired (CTEBVI)
Tina Seger, Clovernook Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired
Diane Bergeron, CNIB (Canadian National Institute for the Blind) on behalf of Darleen Bogart
Vivian Seki, Hadley Institute for the Blind and Visually Impaired
Cynthia (Cindy) Skandera, Horizons for the Blind
Diane Spence, National Braille Association (NBA)
Elaine Spinale, National Braille Press (NBP) on behalf of Jackie Sheridan
Tamara Rorie, National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, Library of Congress (NLS)
Kim Charlson, Perkins School for the Blind

Jen Goulden, associate member Crawford Technologies
Susan (Sue) Reilly participated in her role as administrative assistant.


Jill Addison
Dr. Chris Bischke
Karen Borg
Kate Borg
Mandy Kay
Carolyn Lasater
Debbie Sanders
Karl Smith
Armando Venegas

5. Meeting Arrangements: Sandra Ruconich

Sandy Ruconich explained the arrangements for the BANA meeting.

6. Board's Liability Statement: Dawn Gross

Dawn Gross, BANA Secretary, read the following Indemnification Statement: "BANA indemnifies its Officers and Board of Directors and holds them harmless from all claims of every kind, including court expenses, attorneys' fees, and the claimed amount arising from the performance of their duties as Officers and Directors except for their own acts of dishonesty and gross negligence." (Adopted March 30, 1987)

7. Agenda Approval: Jennifer Dunnam

A brief discussion of the agenda took place. It was noted that Tracy Gaines will not be in attendance on Saturday and that the Appointments Committee report will take place Friday morning. Two strategic planning sessions are scheduled: 4:00 Thursday, and Friday both before and after lunch. The draft document "Timeline for year for BANA" sent to BANA-l will be discussed at some point during the meeting.

MSC Diane Bergeron moved and Tina Seger seconded the motion that the agenda be approved. The motion passed unanimously.

8. Chair's Comments: Jennifer Dunnam

Jennifer Dunnam proceeded to explain some of the typical procedures that take place during a BANA meeting. These include the fact that the administrative assistant is present to help with note-taking, and that the BANA secretary takes minutes. Frances Mary D'Andrea records "to do" items for all members, and sends that list to the Board immediately following the meeting.

Jennifer reiterated that as the United States moved through the UEB transition many hurdles were overcome but that there is still much to be accomplished. Over the next several days we will discuss electronic braille and some of the obstacles still to be overcome. We will talk about the strategic planning we have completed and continue to do. A great deal of progress has been made by the committees and member organizations, all should be proud of the work accomplished.

9. Braille Formats Technical Committee: Cindi Laurent

Guy Toles, liaison to the Braille Formats Technical Committee, summarized the report which is on file.

The committee is asking to create an errata to Braille Formats Principles of Print-to-Braille Transcription, 2016. The BANA Board questioned whether the proposed document would be an errata or whether it would be an addendum to the original document. Also questioned was whether posting the Rulings by Committee to the website could address the clarification needs. Further discussion was deferred until the Code Questions Task Force presents its report. Guy will contact Cindi Laurent to ask for (1) examples of clarifications that need to be made, and (2) if Rulings by Committee were posted to the website, if the need of a clarification document would be negated.

MSC Guy Toles moved and FM D'Andrea seconded the motion that Norma McDonald and Tina Herzberg continue as committee members of the Braille Formats Technical Committee with terms to end in 2020. The motion passed unanimously.

MSC Guy Toles moved and Kim Charlson seconded the motion that Cindi Laurent be reappointed as chair of the Braille Formats Technical Committee with a term ending in 2022. The motion passed unanimously.

10. Nemeth Code Technical Committee: Dorothy Worthington

Dawn Gross, liaison to the Nemeth Code Technical Committee, summarized the report which is on file.

The rewrite of the Nemeth Code is underway. The committee has been given the most recent version of the authoring guidelines from the Publications Committee. Dawn Gross asked when the best time for a committee going through a rewrite process to hold a face-to-face meeting would be. The suggestion was made to make specific assignments to the committee, hold regular conference calls and check progress. If it is felt that a face-to-face meeting would be helpful, ask for budget at the next fall meeting.

Dawn Gross expressed her thanks to the Publications Committee for the preparing the Graphing Calculator Guidelines for publication. It was a tedious project and they did a fantastic job.

MSC Dawn Gross moved and FM D'Andrea seconded the motion that the disposition of Charge 315 be changed from "Ongoing" to "Done." The motion passed unanimously.

[Charge 315 (3/13/17): Incorporate the approved changes from the Fall 2016 meeting into the existing "Guidance for Transcription Using the Nemeth Code within UEB Contexts" and write a change log to be included at the beginning of the updated document.]

MSC Dawn Gross moved and FM D'Andrea seconded the motion that Dorothy Worthington be reappointed as chair of the Nemeth Code Technical Committee with a term ending in 2022. The motion passed unanimously.

MSC Dawn Gross moved and Tamara Rorie seconded the motion that Cindi Laurent be appointed to the Nemeth Code Technical Committee with a term ending in 2020. The motion passed unanimously.

Current committee obligations is something BANA needs to be mindful of as committees are populated.

MSC Dawn Gross moved and Cathy Senft-Graves seconded the motion that Lindy Walton be reappointed to the Nemeth Code Technical Committee with a term ending in 2020. The motion passed unanimously.

MSC Dawn Gross moved and Tracy Gaines seconded the motion that Jacquie Walker be made a consultant to the Nemeth Code Technical Committee. The motion passed unanimously.

Discussion turned to charge 329 and the need for the Nemeth Code and Tactile Graphic technical committees to come together and discuss the number line symbols in both the Guidelines and Standards for Tactile Graphics and the Guidance for Transcription Using the Nemeth Code within UEB Contexts. Diane Spence reported that the Tactile Graphics committee is holding a face-to-face meeting starting Monday November 5 at 7:00 am and that the primary goal is to discuss and finish Unit 6, Mathematical and Scientific Diagrams which addresses number lines. Diane feels that the two committees are at an impasse in terms of verbiage and order of number line symbols. Diane Spence and Dawn Gross will facilitate a conference call to help move this issue forward so that the TG Committee can continue with the work of their document.

MSC Dawn Gross moved and Guy Toles seconded the motion that the disposition of Charge 329 be changed from "TBA" to "Ongoing." The motion passed unanimously.

[Charge 329 (4/9/18): Work together with the Tactile Graphics Committee to synchronize the presentation of number line symbols on the special symbols page.]

11. Tactile Graphics Technical Committee: Aquinas Pather

Diane Spence, liaison to the Tactile Graphics Technical Committee, summarized the report, which is on file.

The rewrite of the Guidelines and Standards for Tactile Graphics is well underway. The committee meets every week for a 2-hour call and is meeting face-to-face on November 5, 2018 at Region 4. They will be working on Unit 6, Mathematical and Scientific Diagrams and then move back to the Supplement to determine whether there are further changes to be made. Examples are being evaluated to determine whether they need to be presented in both Nemeth and UEB. When it is determined that a graphic needs to be presented in both codes, one will be presented in simbraille, the other in hard copy. There is great concern for both the size of the supplement and the cost to recreate it for evaluation. Discussion of the review process for the Guidelines and Standards for Tactile Graphics will take place as the Publications Workflow is retooled.

MSC Diane Spence moved and Tina Seger seconded the motion that the disposition of Charge 328 be changed from "TBA" to "Ongoing." The motion passed unanimously.

[Charge 328 (4/9/18): Work together with the Nemeth Code Committee to synchronize the presentation of number line symbols on the special symbols page.]

MSC Diane Spence moved and Diane Bergeron seconded the motion that Susan Osterhaus and Betty Marshall be reappointed to the Tactile Graphics Technical Committee with terms to end in 2020. The motion passed unanimously.

12. Ad Hoc Committee on Standardized Tests: Diane Spence

Diane Spence, liaison to the Ad Hoc Committee on Standardized Tests, summarized the report, which is on file.
The committee has reconvened. Since the completion of Braille Formats Principles of Print-to-Braille Transcription, 2016 and Guidance for Transcription Using the Nemeth Code within UEB Contexts the document has been reviewed and it was found that some of the legislation referenced is no longer accurate. The changes will be incorporated into the draft document, it is the committees' intent to have the document available to the Board by the April 2019 meeting.

MSC Diane Spence moved and Jessi Rivera seconded the motion that the disposition of Charge 321 be changed from "TBA" to "Ongoing." The motion passed unanimously.

[Charge 321 (11/2/17): Update the Guidelines for Production of Standardized Tests in Braille, 2016 to bring it in line with the approved Braille Formats, 2016 changes and incorporate the comments received from the recent review and prepare for Board review.]

MSC Diane Spence moved and FM D'Andrea seconded the motion that the disposition of Charge 340 be changed from "TBA" to "Ongoing." The motion passed unanimously.

[Charge 340 (4/9/18): Extract the technical code language from the BANA 2015 statement to incorporate into the preliminary material of the "Guidelines for Production of Standardized Tests in Braille, 2016."]

13. (Non-agenda item) Zoom Account

Sandy Smith will be responsible for scheduling meetings, Jessi Rivera will be the backup coordinator. As of now, committees needing meetings setup are to email Sandy Smith of the Publications Committee.

14. (Agenda item #13) Music Braille Technical Committee: Karen Gearreald

Tamara Rorie, liaison to the Music Braille Technical Committee, summarized the report which is on file.

Karen Gearreald is keeping track of errata items. The items are not major nor are there enough of them to require an errata at this time but Karen will let the Board know when it is something to consider.

MSC Tamara Rorie moved and Sandy Ruconich seconded the motion that Gilbert Busch be reappointed to the Music Braille Technical Committee with a term ending in 2020. The motion passed unanimously.

Discussion turned to the need of a new committee member to replace Dan Geminder. An individual has been identified as a prospective member of the Music committee, it was recommended that the individual be contacted to determine their interest in becoming a member of the committee.

By general consensus it was decided to move forward with the selection of the new committee member by using the "old" appointments process.

Karen Gearreald's term end date was questioned. The Spring 2018 minutes were referenced and it was confirmed that she was appointed through 2019, the end of Dan Geminder's term.

15. (Agenda item #14) Crafts and Hobbies Technical Committee: Camille Caffarelli

Jennifer Dunnam presented a verbal report.

The General Committee for Review Process will create a process and write an introduction addressing the upcoming review of the UEB based chess code. It is anticipated that the process will be completed and shared with the committee by the end of this year.

The committee is not ready to move forward with appointments at this time but would like to begin the process by the end of this year.

16. (Agenda item #15) Foreign Language Task Force: Jennifer Dunnam

Jennifer Dunnam presented a verbal report.

Currently posted on the BANA website is a small document titled Provisional Guidance for Transcribing Foreign Language Material in UEB. The task force members are drafting a more comprehensive set of guidelines based on the principle that the Board has said not to duplicate material provided in Braille Formats Principles of Print-to-Braille Transcription, 2016. To help the task force move forward with this work, Jennifer requested assistance from Board members having an interest in or knowledge of foreign languages to help the task force with the document. Vivian Seki and Cindy Skandera offered assistance; Jen Goulden, already on the task force, offered to step forward and take a larger role.

17. (Agenda item #16) Ad Hoc Committee on Early Literacy Materials Production: Bonnie Read

Cathy Senft-Graves, liaison to the ELMP committee, summarized the report which is on file.

The committee has incorporated the most recent round of Board review panel edits into BANA Guidelines for the Transcription of Early Educational Materials from Print to Braille. The document contains a large number of print examples requiring permission to duplicate. The source of the math examples was identified, Jennifer Dunnam and Cathy Senft-Graves will fill out and submit the permission request form at this meeting. The Resource Services department at APH determined that the literary examples came from multiple sources and suggested that it could be a case of Fair Use to use the examples but only if BANA provides the document as a free download, not hard copy available for purchase. The committee agrees that a downloadable document should be adequate.

MSC Cathy Senft-Graves moved and FM D'Andrea seconded the motion that the disposition of Charge 299 be changed from "Ongoing" to "Done." The motion passed unanimously.

[Charge 299 (5/19/16): Work with the Nemeth Braille Technical Committee to update the mathematical examples in the document "BANA Guidelines for the Transcription of Early Educational Materials from Print to Braille."]

Discussion turned to the format in which the document will be provided. It was decided that making the document available in HTML format would not add value.

MSC Mary Nelle McLennan moved and Guy Toles seconded the motion that BANA make the BANA Guidelines for the Transcription of Early Educational Materials from Print to Braille available only in accessible PDF and BRF on the BANA website. The motion passed unanimously.

Bonnie Read will work on the transcription of the BRF document and hopefully provide it to the Board by the end of November. The panel of Board members convened last year to review the BANA Guidelines for the Transcription of Early Educational Materials from Print to Brailleagree that it is in favor of the Board approving the document as is currently exists. It was suggested by Jennifer Dunnam that if all pieces of the document are finalized prior to the next meeting that the Bylaws process be suspended and the Board vote for approval by electronic ballot. The completed BRF and print documents would be sent to BANA-l with an announcement that Board members have 30 days to review and vote.

MSC Cathy Senft-Graves moved and Whitney Gregory seconded the motion to suspend the Bylaws to allow for the approval of the BANA Guidelines for the Transcription of Early Educational Materials from Print to Braille by teleconference or email after all document formats and permissions are completed. The motion passed unanimously.

18. (Agenda item #17) Ad Hoc Committee on Chemistry: Cary Supalo

Frances Mary D'Andrea, liaison to the Ad Hoc Committee on Chemistry, summarized the report which is on file.

The committee requested a print version of Braille Code for Chemical Notation, 1997 that can be made into an electronic document for easier rework. Vivian Seki will email a PDF to FM D'Andrea, Jennifer Dunnam will help make it into a text document to be sent to the committee. The committee is in agreement with what needs to be done to rewrite the code and has the current BANA Authoring Guidelines and the Board agrees that the work should begin now.

19. (Agenda item #18) International Council on English Braille: Frances Mary D'Andrea, Jennifer Dunnam, Karen Gearreald, Sue Reilly, Judy Dixon, Jen Goulden

Frances Mary D'Andrea reported on the ICEB Executive meeting. FM D'Andrea, Jennifer Dunnam, Jen Goulden, and Judy Dixon attended the ICEB Executive Committee meeting in April in Dublin, Ireland. FM noted that the minutes have not been approved yet as the corrections still need to be incorporated. She thanked BANA for supporting ICEB and the delegates that attended the meeting.

The work on the Guidelines for Technical Materials continues. There was a recent vote on Rule 3 Signs of Operations to add symbols and examples, which was approved. FM encouraged members to let Jennifer Dunnam know if they would like to join any of the ICEB listservs. Jen Goulden encouraged members to join the lists as a matter of education, to help understand what is being discussed when it comes time for BANA to vote on matters.

FM reported that there was a lengthy discussion of the apostrophe/single quote issue and that a resolution to the issue was presented to the Code Maintenance Committee where it is still under discussion. Jennifer Dunnam provided a generalized summary of the Executive Committee's proposal. Quotation marks: the concept of specific and nonspecific quotation marks would go away, it would be more in terms of outer and inner quotation marks. The one-cell quotation mark would be used for outer quotation marks and the two-cell for inner. Apostrophe: from the perspective of BANA countries, the apostrophe issue is a bigger issue. The major change being proposed is a decision tree that helps the translation software developers decide when and where to show the symbol as an apostrophe or a quote. It would also allow for users to toggle between uses so that the symbol appears as they are used to. ICEB is close to making a decision, the end result for braille readers in the US and Canada is that the quotation marks and apostrophe would not change. Although there will not be changes to the symbols, there will be more guidance for translation software developers and human transcribers.

From other committees: The ICEB Music Committee is looking at whether it would make sense to look at the BANA Music Braille Code internationally since the international music code book has not been updated. The ICEB Technology Committee is working with Liblouis to help make it more accurate. The ICEB Executive has a conference call at the end of November.

Sue Reilly, member of the ICEB Public Relations committee, posed a question about whether items posted to ICEB's Facebook page should be reposted to BANA's page. It was determined that she continue using her judgment and posting as necessary.

20. (Agenda item #19) Report of General Committee on Unified English Braille: FM D'Andrea

Frances Mary D'Andrea, chair of the General Committee on Unified English Braille, summarized the report which is on file.

FM reported that the committee is receiving fewer questions than when UEB was first adopted. No new issues needing to be presented to the ICEB CMC have arisen, the issues sent last year are still being considered by ICEB. The committee has created a clean copy of the draft guidance document regarding effective practices for transcribing technical materials but the document has not been worked on further.

Jen Goulden reported that Canada is currently working on effective practices for transcribing technical materials. Braille Literacy Canada is pulling producers together and working on a process. She has asked an individual to put together a list of decisions that have been made because of the lack of guidance, Jen will share the list with the GCUEB. FM D'Andrea reported that BANA is modeling its guidance document after a UKAAF document in order to create a document related to the guidelines but also provide consistency for UEB technical transcriptions. Braille Literacy Canada has its own committee that addresses braille formats special to Canada.

MSC FM D'Andrea moved and Tamara Rorie seconded the motion that Charge 319 be discarded as written. The motion passed unanimously.

[Charge 319 (11/2/17): Create a guidance document regarding effective practices for transcribing technical materials.]

MSC FM D'Andrea moved and Diane Bergeron seconded the motion that the General Committee on UEB be charged to create a guidance document regarding effective practices for transcribing technical materials working in conjunction with Braille Literacy Canada. The motion passed unanimously.

21. (Agenda item #20) Committee on Electronic Braille: Jen Goulden

Jen Goulden, chair of the Committee on Electronic Braille, presented the report which is on file.

The comprehensive document provided by the committee to track progress and challenges with braille translation in technology can be found on banafiles and will be updated as necessary. Sections recently updated include those dealing with VoiceOver, Jaws and NVDA. These updates are based on the committees experience but they are also soliciting input from BANA member organizations and others. The committee is also working on a test file that can be used to determine the accuracy of braille translation software. Jen reported that the document was shared with ICEB but no feedback was received, she will follow up with James Bowden. The Board determined that it is not necessary to provide the full report in print and braille at each meeting. A summary of changes will be reported at each meeting and the most recent version will be posted to banafiles.

Discussion turned to how to best disseminate the information provided in the report to the general public. The following motion resulted:

MSC FM D'Andrea moved and Diane Bergeron seconded the motion to charge the General Committee on Electronic Braille Translation to bring a recommendation to the BANA Board by the January teleconference about how to inform the general public about braille translation issues. The motion passed unanimously.

22. (Agenda item #21) Publications Committee: Mary Nelle McLennan

Mary Nelle McLennan, chair of the Publications Committee, summarized the report which is on file.

Mary Nelle McLennan and Sandy Smith reviewed the BANA website and recommend that a section be created on the "About BANA" page to post information about BANA's Braille Excellence Award. The Publications Committee will work with the Awards Committee regarding content.

MSC Mary Nelle McLennan moved and Sandy Ruconich seconded the motion that the disposition of Charge 336 be changed from "TBA" to "Ongoing." The motion passed unanimously.

[Charge 336 (4/9/18): Work with the Awards Committee to put information about the BANA Braille Excellence Awards on the BANA website.]

A comment box was established for the Ad Hoc Committee on Braille Signage and Labeling has been created and is active. The following motion resulted:

MSC Mary Nelle McLennan moved and Tracy Gaines seconded the motion that the disposition of Charge 339 be changed from "TBA" to "Done." The motion passed unanimously.

[Charge 339 (4/9/18): Work with the Ad Hoc Committee on Braille Signage and Labeling to create a comment box on the website for signage questions.]

Mary Nelle McLennan and Sandy Smith reviewed the BANA website and recommend that a section be created on the "BANA Documents and Archives" page for previous BANA codes and other materials as determined appropriate.

MSC Mary Nelle McLennan moved and FM D'Andrea seconded the motion that the disposition of Charge 330 be changed from "TBA" to "Ongoing." The motion passed unanimously.

[Charge 330 (4/9/18): Work with Darleen Bogart and Jennifer Dunnam to design an archive code section of the website.]

Website comment boxes and security:

Comment boxes are placed on committee/code pages on a case by case basis. Please help the Publications Committee to either understand the need for a comment box on a particular page or explain to committees that not all committee/code pages require a comment box. All of the comment boxes have been rebuilt and incoming comments are housed on Google Drive.

Guidance for Transcription Using the Nemeth Code in UEB Contexts

The BRF and accessible PDF files were posted on the BANA website in August and a publications announcement was distributed via the BANA-announce list.

Graphing Calculator Guidelines

The images provided by the authoring committee were images of images and not clear, causing preparation of the accessible versions to be difficult. The document has since been cleaned up and the BRF and PDF files were posted on the BANA website in October and a publication announcement will be distributed via the BANA-announce list.

Publications Projects Workflow

Mary Nelle McLennan reported on the review of the publications project workflow and reported on ideas that came from committee discussions including assigning a Publications liaison to work with each authoring committee earlier in the writing process, and perhaps creating brief tutorials. The committee also discussed how reviews, both technical and QC, would be conducted.

Jennifer Dunnam reiterated that the purpose of the technical review is to ensure that nothing being proposed conflicts with other codes. With the adoption of UEB, the need for a technical review has become less of a necessity than a QC review. It is proposed that documents under review would be sent to the technical committees and experts in the content area. Jen Goulden stated that a few of the Quality Control panels roles are to look for inconsistencies, verify that content accurate and clearly stated, and ensure that all examples including simbraille are correct.

Authoring Guidelines

The Authoring Guidelines are being revised but it has been determined that the publications project workflow should be completed first.

Retiring committee member

Susan Christensen has retired from the Publications Committee. Publications is looking to retool the current processes which may include outsourcing aspects of the work.

MSC Mary Nelle McLennan moved and Tracy Gaines seconded the motion that BANA appoint Whitney Gregory to the Publications Committee. The motion passed unanimously.

23. (Agenda item #26) Strategic Planning

Mary Nelle McLennan for the benefit of new board members, briefly reviewed the strategic planning processes BANA has gone through the last two years. She announced that it is time to end strategic planning and to start with strategic actions. She then led the BANA Board through a review of the work complete on the strategic question "What actions should BANA take to more effectively develop, maintain, and update codes and resources and provide them to the community in a timely manner?" The Board as a whole discussed the strands developed by the team working on this strategic question. The following individuals volunteered to work as a team to develop a plan to move forward on this strategic question: Tamara Rorie, Diane Bergeron, Guy Toles (convener), Jen Goulden, Diane Spence, Vivian Seki, and Mary Nelle McLennan.

24. (Agenda item #28) Braille Research Committee: Frances Mary D'Andrea

FM D'Andrea, co-chair of the Braille Research Committee, summarized the report which is on file.

For the benefit of new members FM stated that the Braille Research Committee is an informational committee and does not conduct research. Several people on the committee are engaged in research studies: FM D'Andrea, Cheryl Kamei Hannan, and Tessa McCarthy are working on the iBraille Challenge app developed by the Braille Institute and Cal State Los Angeles, they are currently writing reports from the pilot studies. Robert Englebretsen, Cay Holbrook, and FM D'Andrea are involved with research being done through APH related to braille math and hand movements when individuals read braille math. Tessa McCarthy and Rob Wall Emerson from Western Michigan University are also working on hand movement studies. Nothing has been published recently but FM will share with the Board when there is.

25. (Agenda item #39) BANA's Archives: Frances Mary D'Andrea

FM D'Andrea, chair of the Archives Committee, presented the report which is on file.

FM recently visited with the BANA archivist, Anne Rich, at APH. An ongoing issue is how to best archive electronic email. Currently FM cuts and pastes pertinent emails into a Word document which is then loaded to the Dropbox folder she and Anne share. The APH IT department shared with FM that they are also in the process of figuring out how to best capture email and electronic messages.

MSC FM D'Andrea moved and Tina Seger seconded the motion that the disposition of Charge 334 be changed from "TBA" to "Ongoing." The motion passed unanimously.

[Charge 334 (4/9/18): Learn what the best practice is for submitting email to be archived.]

Over the past several years FM has shipped the braille, print, and electronic versions of the Board meeting documents to APH. Due to space limitations, Anne Rich has asked if archiving only the print and electronic versions is acceptable, it is customary to archive print hard copies. The usability of BRF files years from now was raised; however, Anne has pointed out that it is the archivist's responsibility to maintain documents in a way that can be accessed years down the line.

MSC Kim Charlson moved and Diane Bergeron seconded the motion that BANA support the recommendation of the BANA Archives Committee to send only print and electronic meeting minutes and reports for regular and ongoing collection in the BANA Archives. Electronic versions are defined as PDF, Word files, and BRF (when braille versions were created for use by the Board.) The motion passed unanimously.

Discussion turned to the BANA publications currently housed in the archives. During FM's visit it was found that BANA does not have print or braille copies of Braille Formats Principles of Print-to-Braille Transcription, 2016, Music Braille Code, 2015 or Guidelines and Standards for Tactile Graphics, 2010 and its accompanying supplements in the archives. These materials were generously donated by APH.

By general consensus it was decided that BANA will continue to collect both print and braille versions of BANA codebooks to be entered into the BANA Archives.

Kim Charlson and FM D'Andrea will set up a conference call to discuss which materials held at ACB should be added to the archives. Diane Bergeron will work with Darleen Bogart to see if any documents held at CNIB should be added to the archives.

26. (Agenda item #31) Bylaws Committee: Darleen Bogart

Jennifer Dunnam presented the report on behalf of Darleen Bogart, which is on file.

The face-to-face meeting planned for Utah to consider membership as it relates to size and composition of the Board will be completed as a telephone conference in the immediate future.

MSC Diane Bergeron moved and FM D'Andrea seconded the motion that the updated list of General, Board, Technical, and Ad Hoc Committees be added to the BANA Policies. The motion passed unanimously.

MSC Tina Seger moved and Whitney Gregory seconded the motion that the disposition of Charge 332 be changed from "TBA" to "Done." The motion passed unanimously.

[Charge 332 (4/9/18): Update and maintain the list of General, Board, Technical, and Ad Hoc Committees in the BANA Policies.]

MSC Jessi Rivera moved and Tina Seger seconded the motion that the disposition of Charge 333 be changed from "TBA" to "Ongoing." The motion passed unanimously.

[Charge 333 (4/9/18): Create a clear definition of the rights and privileges of an associate member.]

A short discussion of which email address Ad Hoc committees should send reports to occurred. It was decided that reports from all committees should be sent to bana-tech. This change needs to be made to the Committee Reporting Outline. The following motion resulted:

MSC Diane Bergeron moved and Guy Toles seconded the motion to include the revised Committee Reporting Outline and template as corrected at the Fall 2018 meeting to the BANA Policies. The motion passed unanimously.

MSC Sandy Ruconich moved and Tracy Gaines seconded the motion that the disposition of Charge 337 be changed from "TBA" to "Done." The motion passed unanimously.

[Charge 337 (4/9/18): Amend the Policies to include the revised cover letter and report template.]

27. (Agenda item #30) BANA Appointments Committee: Tracy Gaines

Tracy Gaines, chair of the Appointments Committee, summarized the report which is on file.

Tracy Gaines reported that the changes suggested at the Spring 2018 meeting were incorporated into the initial Appointments Committee Process and other supplementary documents. She then walked the Board through the revised documents and solicited additional comments.

BANA Appointments Committee Process

The Board made suggestions, changes will be incorporated into the Process document.

Request for New BANA Committee Member

Suggestion made to remove specific chair name to prevent changing the document in the future.

Notice of Consideration for Appointment to BANA Committee

No changes advised.

BANA Committee Member Application

No changes advised.

MSC Tracy Gaines moved and Jessi Rivera seconded the motion that the four Appointments Committee documents submitted be approved as amended and implemented immediately. The motion passed unanimously.

MSC FM D'Andrea moved and Diane Bergeron seconded the motion to charge the Bylaws Committee to put final versions of the Appointments Committee documents in the Policies. The motion passed unanimously.

For the benefit of new members, discussion turned to banafiles, its purpose and how to access the files.

28. (Agenda item #22) Quality Control Task Force: Jen Goulden

Jen Goulden, chair of the Task Force on Recommendations for Quality Control of Publications, summarized the report which is on file.

Jen Goulden read through the "Quality Control Process for BANA Publication" document and opened the floor for discussion. No changes were suggested at this time.

29. (Agenda item #23) General Committee for Review Process: Jennifer Dunnam

Jennifer Dunnam, chair of the General Committee for Review Process, presented a verbal report.

For the benefit of new members Jennifer Dunnam reviewed the purpose of the General Committee for Review Process. After a document is received from an authoring committee and is ready to go through approval processes, the Review Process Committee creates a questionnaire to collect feedback, disseminates the questionnaire, receives the feedback and puts it into a usable format which is then sent to the authoring committee. The committee then shepherds the remainder of the review process through. Board members who feel that they are detail and timeline oriented, interested in being on the committee or might be interested in being the chair, please speak with Jennifer Dunnam.

MSC Sandy Ruconich moved and Tracy Gaines seconded the motion to make FM D'Andrea a full member of the General Committee for Review Process. The motion passed unanimously.

The introduction to the Chess Guidelines will soon be drafted and then the committee will work on receiving input from users.

It was reconfirmed that the Board is ok with adding a content review to the review process to be concurrent with the technical review.

30. (Agenda item #24) Nominations Committee: Frances Mary D'Andrea

FM D'Andrea presented the Slate of Officers for 2018, it was noted that each officer can serve for up to five years. The slate of officers for 2019 is as follows:

Chair: Jennifer Dunnam (year 5)
Vice Chair: Tamara Rorie (year 1)
Treasurer: Jessi Rivera (year 1)
Secretary Dawn Gross (year 3)

For the new members, FM D'Andrea explained the process of how nominations are made.

MSC Kim Charlson moved and FM D'Andrea seconded the motion that nominations cease and that BANA cast a unanimous ballot with the slate of officers for BANA for 2019. The motion passed unanimously.

31. (Agenda item #25) Code Questions Task Force: Tamara Rorie

Discussion returned to the need for an errata or clarification document to supplement Braille Formats Principles of Print-to-Braille Transcription, 2016. It is Guy Toles' understanding that there is a need for both documents as there are errors to be corrected and items needing more clarification or change.

MSC Guy Toles moved and Jessie Rivera seconded the motion to charge the Braille Formats Technical Committee to develop an errata for Braille Formats Principles of Print-to-Braille Transcription, 2016to correct errors in the document. The motion passed unanimously.

It was discussed that the Rulings by Committee postings could suffice as the clarification document but the Publications Committee requires the Braille Formats Technical Committee to provide a list of the changes or clarifications that need to be made before a decision can be made. The following motion resulted:

MSC Guy Toles moved and Diane Spence seconded the motion to charge the Braille Formats Technical Committee to develop a summary of items that need to be changed and or clarified in Braille Formats Principles of Print-to-Braille Transcription, 2016. The motion passed unanimously.

32. (Agenda item #26) Strategic Planning

Mary Nelle McLennan led the BANA Board through an activity to narrow the strategic actions of the question "What actions should BANA take to address perspectives and issues concerning two technical codes in the US?"

33. (Agenda item #25) Code Questions Task Force: Tamara Rorie

Discussion returned to the Code Questions Task Force and the need to change the disposition of Charge 318.

MSC Diane Bergeron moved and Dawn Gross seconded the motion that the disposition of Charge 318 be changed from "Ongoing" to "Done" and to disband the Code Questions Task Force. The motion passed unanimously.

[Charge 318 (3/13/17): Explore and develop guidelines and a process for accepting and responding to questions about BANA codes and guidelines from the public. This is to be completed by the Fall 2017 BANA meeting.]

34. (Agenda item #27) BANA's "workplan" for the year

Jennifer Dunnam walked the Board through draft timeline document emailed to Bana-l. Board members suggested feedback and items to be included. The document will continue to be revised and perhaps placed in banafiles.

35. Treasurer's Report: Jessi Rivera

Jennifer Dunnam and Jessi Rivera gave a brief overview of the Report of the Chair & Treasurer which is on file.

MSC FM D'Andrea moved and Sandy Ruconich seconded the motion that the disposition of Charge 331 be changed from "TBA" to "Ongoing." The motion passed unanimously.

[Charge 331 (4/9/18): Treasurer and BANA chair work together to create documentation to ease the transition between treasurers.]

By general consensus it was decided that Jackie Sheridan (Witterschein), Immediate Past Treasurer, be added as consultant to the Treasurer.

Jesse Rivera, Jennifer Dunnam and Jackie Sheridan will continue working together to create the treasurer transition document.

At the Spring 2018 meeting, the Board was led through a review of the "Board Orientation Packet," changes were made but the document has not been finalized. The document should be finalized and added to banafiles.

MSC FM D'Andrea moved and Guy Toles seconded the motion to appoint a task force consisting of Jennifer Dunnam, Mary Nelle McLennan, Tina Seger, Diane Bergeron and Jessi Rivera to complete the update of the Board Orientation Packet. The motion passed unanimously.

36. (Agenda item #40) Awards Committee: Sandy Ruconich

Sandy Ruconich, chair of the committee, presented the report which is on file.

The Awards Committee has not begun work on Charge 335 but the Publications Committee has, the following motion resulted:

MSC Sandy Ruconich moved and Tracy Gaines seconded the motion to change the disposition of Charge 335 form "TBA" to "Ongoing." The motion passed unanimously.

[Charge 335 (4/9/18): Work with the Publications Committee to put information about the BANA Braille Excellence Awards on the BANA website.]

37. (Agenda item #32) Ad Hoc Committee on Braille Signage and Labeling: Jackie Sheridan

Kim Charlson, interim liaison of the Ad Hoc Committee of Braille signage and Labeling, summarized the report which is on file.

The committee has made changes to the "Draft Amendments to the ICC A117.1 Standard" originally submitted to the Board for the 2018 Spring meeting. Due to these changes, the committee is requesting that Charge 293 be discarded and recharged in the following manner.

MSC Whitney Gregory moved and Dawn Gross seconded the motion to discard Charge 293. The motion passed unanimously.

[Charge 293 (11/5/15): Review the ADA signage guidelines and NC117.1 standards to determine if the architectural code needs to be changed to comply with Unified English Braille.]

MSC Kim Charlson moved and Sandy Ruconich seconded the motion to charge the Ad Hoc Committee on Braille Signage and Labeling to review the ICC A117.1 Standard, American National Standard, to determine if this architectural code needs to be changed to comply with Unified English Braille." The motion passed unanimously.

MSC Kim Charlson moved and Diane Bergeron seconded the motion to discard Charge 294. The motion passed unanimously.

[Charge 294 (11/5/15)" With content approval from the BANA board, contact the U.S. Departments of Justice and Transportation to provide guidance on changing their braille signage requirements to conform with Unified English Braille.]

MSC Kim Charlson moved and FM D'Andrea seconded the motion to charge the Ad Hoc Committee on Braille Signage and Labeling as follows: "with content approval from the BANA Board, contact the International Code Council to provide guidance on changing their braille signage requirements to conform with Unified English Braille. The motion passed unanimously.

MSC Kim Charlson moved and Mary Nelle McLennan seconded the motion that the disposition of Charge 338 be changed from "TBA" to "Done." The motion passed unanimously.

[Charge 338 (4/9/18): Work with the Publications Committee to create a comment box on the website for signage questions.]

Saul Garza is thanked by the BANA Board for his service to the Ad Hoc Committee on Braille Signage and Labeling as he is rolled off the committee.

MSC Kim Charlson moved and Diane Bergeron seconded the motion to appoint Walter B. Childs to the Ad Hoc Committee on Braille Signage and Labeling. The motion passed unanimously.

The "Draft Proposed Amendments to the ICC A117.1 Standard" was discussed. Kim Charlson reported that the committee was in 100% agreement to reverse their initial guidance regarding capitalization. The committee felt that it needs to give signage vendors flexibility by not requiring them to use all capital letters. This new proposal from the Ad Hoc Committee on Braille Signage and Labeling would involve less change to existing guidance.

By general consensus it was agreed that the BANA Board approved the Ad Hoc Committee on Braille Signage and Labeling to use the language provided in the "Draft Proposed Amendments to the ICC A117.1 Standard" when the U.S. Access Board resumes accepting petitions.

38. (Agenda item #34) Secretary's Report: Dawn Gross

Dawn Gross, BANA secretary, read the email motions and votes that had taken place since the Spring 2018 meeting. They are as follows:


MSC Sandy Ruconich moved and FM D'Andrea seconded the motion to pay the $645 exhibit fee, which is half the normal exhibit charge, in order that BANA be an exhibitor at the July 2018 AER International Conference.

Voting deadline was Monday, May 21, 2018, 5:00 p.m. Eastern

Voting Yes: ACB (Sandy Ruconich); AER (Mary Nelle McLennan); AFB (FM D'Andrea); AMAC (Guy Toles); APH (Cathy Senft-Graves); ASB (Jessi Rivera); ATPC (Dawn Gross); Clovernook (Tina Seger); CNIB (Darleen Bogart); Hadley (Vivian Seki); NBA (Diane Spence); NBP (Jackie Sheridan); NFB (Jennifer Dunnam); NLS (Tamara Rorie); Perkins (Kim Charlson); Region 4 (Whitney Gregory)
Not Voting: CTEBVI (Tracy Gaines); Horizons (Cynthia Skandera). The motion carried.


MSC Dawn Gross moved and Guy Toles seconded the motion that the Spring 2018 minutes be approved as corrected.

Voting deadline was Friday, September 28, 2018, 5:00 p.m. Eastern

Voting Yes: ACB (Sandy Ruconich); AER (Mary Nelle McLennan); AFB (FM D'Andrea); AMAC (Guy Toles); APH (Cathy Senft-Graves); ASB (Jessi Rivera); ATPC (Dawn Gross); Clovernook (Tina Seger); CNIB (Darleen Bogart); CTEBVI (Tracy Gaines); Hadley (Vivian Seki); Horizons (Cynthia Skandera); NBA (Diane Spence); NBP (Elaine Spinale); NFB (Jennifer Dunnam); NLS (Tamara Rorie); Perkins (Kim Charlson); Region 4 (Whitney Gregory). The motion carries.


MSC Dawn Gross moved and Sandy Ruconich seconded the motion that the 2018 Summer Teleconference minutes be accepted as corrected.

Voting deadline was Tuesday, October 30, 2018, 5:00 p.m. Eastern

Voting Yes: ACB (Sandy Ruconich); AER (Mary Nelle McLennan); AFB (FM D'Andrea); AMAC (Guy Toles); APH (Cathy Senft-Graves); ASB (Jessi Rivera); ATPC (Dawn Gross); Clovernook (Tina Seger); CNIB (Darleen Bogart); CTEBVI (Tracy Gaines); Horizons (Cynthia Skandera); NBA (Diane Spence); NBP (Elaine Spinale); NFB (Jennifer Dunnam); NLS (Tamara Rorie); Perkins (Kim Charlson); Region 4 (Whitney Gregory).
Not Voting: Hadley (Vivian Seki). The motion carries.

39. (Agenda item #29) Outreach Committee: Sandy Ruconich

Sandy Ruconich, chair of the Outreach Committee, summarized the report which is on file.

Mary Nelle McLennan mentioned that both the Short History of BANA and About Braille web pages need to be updated. Sandy Ruconich and Stewart Wittenstein had previously worked to update this information, Sandy will review their work.

BANA most recently exhibited at the NBA conference in Detroit, Michigan. The Outreach committee will work on refining the logistics of exhibiting and staffing the exhibit table. Thank you to Johanna Anand, Diane Spence, and Grant Horrocks for their help.

Mary Nelle McLennan reported on the BANA exhibit at the AER conference. FM D'Andrea, Mary Nelle McLennan, and Diane Wormsley covered the booth. Unfortunately, due to a shipping incident there were no braille handouts. In addition to the BANA fact sheet, a new list of all BANA publications, and a UEB chart were available. The banner and exhibit stand was damaged some time prior to the CTEBVI conference, Mary Nelle worked with a local signage company to have a table banner made. The banner can be used on a table or can be hung across standards if necessary. Many people stopped by the booth and expressed appreciation that BANA was there, Mary Nelle and FM felt that it was worthwhile exhibiting at the conference.

Long ago the Board had determined that the representative of the conference being exhibited at would create a schedule of how the booth will be staffed. Mary Nelle recommends that BANA create an inventory template, a list of what makes an effective exhibit, and a work order process to facilitate exhibits. The work order could include items such as who performs the starting/ending inventory, who is to create and ship braille, who ships the exhibit, etc.

The Outreach Committee determined that it is prohibitive to ship entire codes for exhibit and will now send only the first volume. A braille reader looking at volume one would have access to the full table of contents. It is recommended that the material sent for each exhibit be tailored to the conference being exhibited at.

Kim Charlson updated the BANA Board on the status of the podcasts. Apple requires information on where the files will be stored prior to approving the sample podcast. Kim will research the cost of

MSC Diane Bergeron moved and Jessi Rivera seconded the motion to discard Charge 289. The motion passed unanimously.

[Charge 289 (11/5/15): Explore the best way for BANA to communicate with its various constituents, with particular regard to the efficacy of the open forum.]

MSC Diane Bergeron moved and FM D'Andrea seconded the motion to charge the Outreach Committee to explore the best way for BANA to communicate with its various constituents. The motion passed unanimously.

40. (Agenda item #43) New Business

Diane Spence, representative of the NBA, brought forth a concern from NBA members that NLS and NFB are not processing exams and Letters of Proficiency in a timely manner. NBA felt it important to let BANA know their feelings; NBA members are frustrated with the wait time and lack of communication from NFB. Diane read a letter from the NBA board of directors that will be sent to Tamara Rorie at NLS.

Jennifer Dunnam responded on behalf of the NFB. She acknowledged that the process had not been working for various reasons but that NFB has been working to address the issues by putting more resources toward the program including two additional graders. As of last week, all manuscripts received by NFB have been submitted to proofreaders for grading, this will free the graders up to process Letters of Proficiency. As of now approximately 360 individuals have received UEB certifications and 355 have received Letters of Proficiency.

Tamara Rorie responded on behalf of NLS by reiterating what had been told to NBA. NLS has contracted the certification process out and are aware of the problem and addressing it. NLS welcomes feedback, good or bad.

41. (Agenda item #29) Outreach Committee: Sandy Ruconich

Discussion returned to the Outreach Committee and the need for new members.

Maryanne Bartkowski is to be thanked for her service to the committee.

Mary Nelle McLennan recommended Guy Toles join the committee. Kim Charlson mentioned that Horizons for the Blind was placed on the committee because they have a very close link to consumers and recommended that Cindy Skandera be appointed.

MSC Sandy Ruconich moved and Mary Nelle McLennan seconded the motion to appoint Guy Toles and Cindy Skandera as members of the Outreach Committee. The motion passed unanimously.

Ways of increasing the efficiency of the committee and reducing some of the chair's responsibilities were discussed. Tamara Rorie's perspective is that the Outreach Committee should be organizing outreach activities but that outreach should also be part of each Board members responsibilities.

42. (Agenda item #33) International Initiatives

Kim Charlson will share the resolutions from the May World Braille Council with BANA-l when she returns to her office.

43. (Agenda item #35) Treasurer's Report: Jessi Rivera

Jessi Rivera, BANA treasurer, led the Board in a review of the Financial Statements. The revised Approved 2019 Budget will be emailed to BANA-l after Jessi finalizes them.

MSC Kim Charlson moved and Mary Nelle McLennan seconded the motion that the 2019 Budget be approved. The motion passed unanimously.

Mary Nelle McLennan recommended that the funds ($22,824) from APH be restricted to use for Publications projects. A short discussion of whether the funds were "restricted" when given to BANA ensued. Given the funds were not classified as "restricted" at receipt it is not appropriate to classify them restricted now.

It is important that BANA make certain that publication projects have the necessary funding to be completed. Jessi Rivera will set up a line item in the financial reports to track the funds from APH; Mary Nelle McLennan will determine what is to be paid out of those dollars. This will allow BANA to clearly show what the funds were used for and not betray the intent of APH's donation.

44. (Agenda item #42) Unfinished/Continued business

Discussion returned to several recommendations regarding charges to committees. (1) The web pages regarding UEB need to be revised. The following motion resulted:

MSC FM D'Andrea moved and Diane Bergeron seconded the motion that the General Committee on Unified English Braille be charged to update the UEB information on the BANA website. The motion passed unanimously.

(2) There was a suggestion to charge the Bylaws Committees to update the Policies with respect to the preparation of meeting handouts (i.e. hosting agency). It was also suggested that there be a provision for late reports and who is responsible for providing those once the initial batch of materials has been shipped. The following motion resulted:

MSC Tamara Rorie moved and Diane Bergeron seconded the motion to charge the Bylaws Committee to review the Policies regarding the provision of documents for each meeting and clarify responsibilities. The motion passed unanimously.

45. (Agenda item #44) Upcoming Meetings

44.1 Spring 2019 CNIB

Diane Bergeron reported that the spring meeting will be held in Toronto, Ontario, Canada May 2-4, 2019. The current plan is to hold the Thursday and Friday sessions at the Bayview office and Saturday at the hotel. Further details will be announced as they become available. Passports are required for those traveling from the U.S. For guide dog users there are sometimes issues with transporting dog food, if that will be a concern please contact Diane Bergeron and she will arrange for the purchase of dog food. Diane Bergeron and Jen Goulden have offered assistance to board members traveling with guide dogs if needed.

46. (Agenda item #36) Certificates of Appreciation: Dawn Gross, Kim Charlson

Kim Charlson will send Certificates of Appreciation to the following individuals rolling off committees: Susan Christiansen (Publications), Saul Garza (Signage and labeling), Dan Geminder (Music), and Mary Anne Bartkowski (Outreach).

47. (Agenda item #37) Directory Update: Sue Reilly

Sue Reilly will send out a draft Word document of the Directory, please review and send your feedback to Sue within one week following the distribution. Review your personal information, your organizations information and any committees you liaise to. Once the Directory is finalized the Publications Committee uses it to update the BANA website.

48. (Agenda item #38) BANA's Listservs: Kim Charlson

Please send Kim Charlson any necessary listserv updates.

49. (Agenda item #23) General Committee for Review Process: Jennifer Dunnam

Whitney Gregory offered to be part of the General Committee for Review Process.

MSC Diane Bergeron moved and FM D'Andrea seconded the motion that Whitney Gregory be appointed to the General Committee on Review. The motion passed unanimously.

50. (Agenda item #41) Press Releases: Sandy Ruconich

Sandy Ruconich, BANA Vice chair, will create press releases for the following items: (1) the officer elections, (2) Cindy Skandera as a new BANA board member, (3) information about the current meeting, and (4) announce the upcoming meeting.

51. (Agenda item #44) Upcoming Meetings

44.2 Fall 2019: Clovernook

The BANA Fall 2019 meeting will take place in Cincinnati, Ohio the week of November 7, 2019, if feasible for Clovernook. The NBA conference runs through November 1st in Phoenix, Getting in Touch with Literacy starts November 13th in Seattle.

44.3 Board Teleconferences

The 2019 Winter BANA teleconference was scheduled for Tuesday, February 5, 2019 at 1:00 EST.

52. (Agenda item #45) Future BANA meetings:

  • Spring 2020: NFB
  • Fall 2020: NBA
  • Spring 2021: NLS
  • Fall 2021: APH
  • Spring 2022: ASB
  • Fall 2022: AER
  • Spring 2023: Perkins
  • Fall 2023: NBP
  • Spring 2024: Horizons
  • Fall 2024: AFB
  • Spring 2025: CTEBVI
  • Fall 2025: AMAC
  • Spring 2026: Hadley
  • Fall 2026 Region 4
  • Spring 2027 ATPC
  • Fall 2027 ACB

53. (Agenda item #46) Around the Table: Organization Updates (time permitting)

The Around the Table Organization Updates are not recorded in the minutes.

54. (Agenda item #47) Adjournment: Jennifer Dunnam

Jennifer Dunnam thanked Sandy Ruconich, Kim Charlson, the Utah Schools for the Deaf and Blind, and the American Council of the Blind for the meeting arrangements.

MSC Dawn Gross moved and Whitney Gregory seconded the motion that the meeting be adjourned. The motion passed unanimously.

Jennifer Dunnam adjourned the meeting at 11:46 MDT.

Respectfully submitted,
Dawn Gross, Secretary